Online and Blended Classes

MCCC offers an abundance of online and blended classes.  Online classes deliver instruction in an entirely Web-based format. Blended classes combine a significant amount of Web-based instruction with some face-to-face classroom instruction.

There are many benefits of online courses at MCCC:

  • Less restrictive scheduling
  • Convenience
  • Intensive self-study
  • Course materials are accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Some students struggle in an online format. Other students excel. Students who excel in an online format:

  • Are highly self-motivated
  • Have strong computer skills
  • Possess good time management skills
  • Know how to study independently
  • Possess good communication skills

Online classes at MCCC utilize Brightspace, a Web-based course management system, which includes communication tools – such as email, discussion boards and chats to interact with the instructor and other students.

Online classes at MCCC are not self-paced. Students must complete exams, assignments, etc. by specified due dates. Please see the college’s website for more Brightspace information.

If you are registering for an online or blended course for the first time at MCCC, you must also complete the Online Orientation (ONL-001) prior to the start of the semester. You will be automatically enrolled into the Online Orientation within 5 days of registering in your online course(s). Failure to complete the required Online Orientation may result in de-registration from your online courses. Please contact the eLearning and Instructional Support Office at 734.384.4328 or for more information.

Fall Semester Online Courses

Winter Semester Online Courses

Summer Semester Online Courses



Browser Requirements:

  • Google Chrome (latest version)
  • Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
  • Safari (latest version)
  • Internet Explorer (latest version)
  • Edge (latest version)

Be sure to:

  1. Enable browser JavaScript and Cookies
  2. Use Brightspace System Check to ensure your browser is compatible

Highly Recommended Software

  • Microsoft Office 2019
  • Adobe Reader (latest version)

Also Highly Recommended

  • High speed or broadband Internet connection.

NOTE: Additional course-specific technology may be required; see course descriptions.

Contact Information

E-Learning and Instructional Support


Building / Office IconFounders Hall F-191 (Faculty Support) Founders Hall F-160 (Student Support)
Phone Icon (734) 384-4328