
在校学生MCCC提供 a number of resources 在校园 as well as policies and procedures that support the transition and success of multicultural students at the college. 有关此处未提及的其他服务和支持,请访问 服务及支援 的网页.


MCCC students are organizing a location in the Safe Space: A Multicultural Student Center in the 华立学生中心 (Building S) for students, Faculty, staff and community members to access necessities such as baby items, 服装, 个人卫生用品, cleaning products and other household goods that are donated from a variety of sources. 


MCCC有一个 选择名称策略 (政策6.49) to allow a chosen name to be displayed in various college systems and communications. 这使得大学社区的成员, including students and staff to go by a chosen first name that differs from their legal name. This policy is limited to first name and not surname, middle name or family name.

MCCC recognizes that many individuals prefer to go by first names that are different from their legal names. As long as the use of this chosen name does not impact the college’s compliance with state and federal laws, MCCC will make every effort to display an individual's chosen name in college systems and communications.

该学院的性别和性取向联盟制作了一份 视频教程 有关如何在ccc使用“选择名称”政策.


残疾事务办事处 coordinates accommodations for persons with documented disabilities who are enrolled in credit and non-credit classes or attend college-sponsored programs and events.

对残障服务不熟悉的学生可以访问我们的 十大外围app 入门网页.


Heck's Market 食品分发处 is available 给学生 during regular MCCC business hours (8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.(星期一至星期五). Students should go to the Office of 招生 in the 华立学生中心 (S-101), 还有一位员工会很乐意打开食品储藏室.

学生也可以通过电子邮件安排预约 foodpantry@crypto-fame.net.


Gender-neutral restrooms are available in numerous facilities across MCCC’s campus. Below is a list of the locations and number of 性别-neutral restrooms:


下层- 009室, directly across the corridor from the Monroe County Middle College office suite and next to the elevator

一楼109房间, directly across the corridor from the Stor年龄/Receiving Room and next to the elevator

Second Floor – Room 216, directly across from the Room 215 classroom and next to the elevator


东翼119室, directly across the corridor from the Ceramics Lab and in next to the men’s restroom

西翼177室, directly across the corridor from the Testing Center and next to the Electrical Room


一楼,136房间, in between the men’s and women’s restrooms off the connecting corridor between the north and south wings

二楼,228房间, in between the Janitor’s Closet and the women’s restroom off the central corridor across from the south stairs


First Floor North Wing – Room 137a, off the lounge in the north corridor

First Floor South Wing – Room 191a directly across the corridor from the Safe Space


MCCC provides private meditation/lactation rooms in several buildings across campus that offer quiet spaces to nurse, 一整天都在抽水或祈祷. 的se spaces are available to all students, Faculty, staff and visitors.


MCCC partners with the Monroe County 社区 Health Authority to provide 心理健康检查和转诊 在校园. 协调下列服务: 


  • 推荐
  • 危机预防和干预
  • 宣传


  • 咨询/治疗
  • 卫生服务
  • 金融援助
  • 住房
  • 社会服务
  • 其他服务和自然支持


MCCC's commitment to equality is expressed through a formal policy statement that describes the college as an equal opportunity institution prohibiting discrimination against any qualified person because of race, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 祖先, 年龄, 性别, 婚姻状况, 残疾, 遗传信息, 性取向, 性别认同/表达式, 高度, 重量, 或者老兵身份. MCCC进一步指出,除了第14修正案, it is subject and committed to the principles of non-discrimination set forth in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, 和第九条.

MCCC declares and reaffirms its commitment as an educational institution to the legal and moral principles of equal opportunity in employment and educational opportunity and of non-discrimination.

MCCC 政策和程序1.64和1.65a-j  address discrimination, affirmative action and Americans with Disabilities Act compliance.


的 Safe Space: A Multicultural Student Center is located in the 华立学生中心 (Building S). 这个空间是一个欢迎学生做自己的地方. It is a place where students impacted by marginalization feel celebrated, where interactive and challenging educational experiences nurture personal growth and where students are empowered to advocate for social change.


十大外围app提供许多课程 奖学金的机会 给学生. 的re are a variety of scholarships available, so we encour年龄 all students to apply. 


Tutoring and learning assistance services are provided free to registered MCCC students in the 学生成功中心 位于创始人堂. Students can get help in a wide variety of subject areas including business, 人文学科, 数学, 科学和社会科学. In addition, academic coaching and study skills support are available. 的se services are a great resource to help you perform the very best you can in your classes.


MCCC提供 资深的服务 支持退伍军人, 包括那些可能有特殊需要的人, 包括提供信息, guidance and counseling to those eligible for educational benefits under applicable public laws. 的 college has been named a Silver Veteran-friendly School by the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency.

学院的 退伍军人中心 is place where veterans can come to study, relax and find fellowship with other veterans. It is located in Room 141 in 创始人霍尔, right off the Vajcner Academic Commons. Members from the Monroe Veterans of Foreign Wars visit the MCCC campus regularly to meet with veterans to answer questions, 提供帮助, 将他们推荐给资源以获得好处, 协助他们获取军事文件和记录, 和更多的.


招生 & 指导办公室,多元文化和社区外展


手机图标 (734) 384-4226