MCCC Happenings Newsletter March 2024

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March 2024

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MCCC has a number of events coming up; check them all out at the links below. 


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Title IX

By Dr. 斯科特·贝伦斯,招生管理和学生成功副总裁

You have probably heard about Title IX in the news. 通常,第九条与高校体育运动中的性别平等有关. 第九条是一个敏感的政治话题,往往会随着美国宪法的修订而被修改.S. presidential change. 事实上,拜登政府随时都可能提出第九条修正案. What is Title IX? According to the Department of Education, 第九条是1972年联邦法律的教育修正案,“保护人们在接受联邦财政援助的教育项目或活动中免受性别歧视。."

我今天写这篇文章是因为十大外围app致力于建设一个多元化和包容性的校园,并维护一个安全的工作和学习环境. As part of that commitment, 重要的是,校园里的每个人都对第九条有一个基本的了解,以及它是如何在我们校园实施的. To this end, the college is reviewing its Title IX Policy 以及相应的程序,并希望修改和增加其第九条培训.

确保一个安全的工作和学习环境,让每个人都有归属感是每个人的责任. To accomplish this, everyone needs to know the basics off Title IX. Under Title IX, 基于性别的歧视包括性骚扰或性暴力, such as rape, sexual assault, sexual battery and sexual coercion. Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted sexual behavior, 主动或请求帮助——一个通情达理的人认为这种行为是如此严重, 普遍的,客观上令人反感的,它实际上剥夺了一个人平等参加教育项目或活动的机会. 性侵犯包括未经投诉人同意而直接针对他人的任何性行为, 包括投诉人没有能力给予同意的情况. 缺乏同意可能包括判断力、身体能力或年龄受损. 跟踪指的是对特定的人进行重复的行为,这会导致一个理性的人担心自己或他人的安全,或者遭受严重的情绪困扰. 约会暴力和家庭暴力是在亲密关系中保持对另一个伴侣的权力和控制的行为模式.

能够识别基于性别和/或性别的歧视是很重要的,这样我们就可以在看到它时报告它. As a rule, when we see something, we need to report something. At MCCC, we have made reporting Title IX complaints easy. While most colleges have one trained Title IX Coordinator, MCCC有两名经过ATIXA培训的协调员/调查员(ATIXA是Title IX管理员协会). One is the executive director of human resources, and the other is me, the vice president of enrollment management. 我们也有一个表格,可以在我们专门的第九条网页上找到

Once the Title IX coordinator has the complaint form, 他们将联系投诉人,开始收集信息,并确定案件是否符合第九条的标准. If it does, the case moves forward. 如果没有,如果有必要,可以将案件转交给学院的其他部门. When a case is confirmed to be congruent with Title IX, 该过程是由第九条协调员进行的初步评估,随后可能会进行正式调查, a hearing and appeal process. 

Title X Process Graphic

应当指出,只有在确定明确的索赔人(据称受害者)和答辩人(据称犯罪者)时才进行听证. 投诉人可以选择只接受支持性措施,而不进行正式投诉或任何其他解决程序. 同样,投诉人和被投诉人可以选择非正式的解决程序. 

Support measures are available to everyone, and Monroe County has some excellent resources, including:

  • 门罗社区心理健康(mcc校园办公室):(734)384-4167
  • River Raisin Counseling (734) 931-6151
  • Family Counseling and Shelter Services (734) 241-0180
  • SOAP Project (614) 216-1619
  • Michigan State Police (734) 242-3500
  • Child Advocacy Network (734) 604-3384
  • Employee Assistance Program (419) 475-5338

If you see something, say something.

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Students with a tutor at MCCC法国著名作家圣埃克苏佩里曾经说过:“没有计划的目标只是一个愿望。.“不管你在获得学位的道路上走了哪一步, certificate other academic goal, it is critical that you have a plan for how to get there. 作为一名学生,MCCC为你提供各种各样的支持服务,帮助你规划成功, and one of those is free tutoring.

MCCC在位于创始人大厅的学生成功中心为所有学生提供免费辅导和学术技能帮助. 辅导服务提供周一至周五整个白天和晚上. 一对一和小组辅导可以通过Zoom进行面对面和在线辅导. All are welcome and encouraged to take advantage of our services. Visit the Student Success Center website to schedule your first appointment today. If you are having trouble accessing the tutoring website, or need a tutor for a course not listed, please contact Amanda Althouse, coordinator of student success, at or via phone at (734) 384.4184.

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MCCC Launches Data Analytics Program for Fall Semester

MCCC will offer a new Data Analytics program this Fall Semester. 数据分析专业的应用科学副学士学位最近被高等教育委员会批准,旨在为商业分析或数据科学的职位提供实践和理论准备.

数据分析计划提供两个轨道-商业分析和数据科学-基于学生的兴趣. In addition to completion of the required general education courses, 希望在成绩单上指定课程的学生必须完成所需的核心课程和专业课程.

预计到2028年,密歇根州数据分析领域的就业人数将增长7%, according to 2024 data from Lightcast. There are more than 30,000 individuals employed in this field in Michigan, nearly 1,900 job postings and the average salary is about $87,000. Top jobs by income include statisticians, data scientists and management analysts and computer programmers.

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Firekeepers' Daughter Cover

门罗县一个月的“一本书,一个社区”项目正在进行中. This year’s book is "The Firekeeper’s Daughter" by Angeline Bouley.

An updated calendar of events can be found on the OBOC events page:

MCCC将于3月19日在学院接待作者Angeline Boulley. She will speak at 7 p.m. in the La-Z-Boy Center, Meyer Theater, and a book signing will follow.

Another planned key event is the annual OBOC Kickoff on March 12 at 6 p.m., which will feature another author -- Sally Cole-Misch, 他是《十大外围app》的作者,在从事环境传播的完整职业生涯后,他开始写小说. 该活动由五大湖图书馆赞助,将在MCCC图书馆举行. You can already register for this event and reserve a copy of the book here.

三月日历上的其他亮点将包括与导演一起放映《十大外围app》(Warrior Lawyers: Defenders of Sacred Justice), book club meetings on and off campus, professor topics talks on criminal justice and archeology, a genealogy workshop, and the Writing Fellows’ annual book chat. 所有活动都是免费向公众开放的,所以请带上你的朋友或家人!

Contact Liz Hartig or Michele Toll for more information:

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The Results are in: Tutoring Works!

As visits continue to increase in MCCC's Tutoring area, MCCC正在密切关注参加我们辅导课程的学生的通过率.

For Winter Semester 2023, 寻求辅导的数学-092课程学生的通过率总计接近70%. 同一时期,寻求辅导的数学-151课程学生的通过率为80%.

MCCC学生成功中心认识到,由于各种原因,寻求帮助可能很困难. Many of our tutors have been tutored themselves in the past. 我们问他们,对于一个不愿寻求帮助的学生,他们会说些什么, and this is what they said:

  • “We are here and always happy to help. Everyone is welcoming, friendly and nice!”
  • “Never feel bad about yourself for seeking help. We have all had to do it at some point so we understand! You are bettering yourself and that is something to be proud of.”
  • “We know it can be intimidating, 但我们所有的导师都很擅长创造一个安全的学习空间,并在学生所在的地方与他们见面.”
  • “可能发生的最糟糕的事情就是你为了来这里而放弃了一些时间. 最好的事情是你可以在你的课程中得到帮助,并意识到这里有一个团队随时准备支持你!”

Stop by for Swag!

我们鼓励您到辅导区与我们在学生成功中心的团队见面. This very informal open house concept will allow you to see the area, 和一些工作人员见面,减轻你在寻求帮助时的顾虑. 如果你带朋友来,你们都将获得免费的MCCC礼品!

For all questions tutoring related, please contact Amanda Althouse, coordinator of student success, at or via phone at (734) 384-4184.

We look forward to working with you!

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Tae Kwon Do Classes Offered Mark Bergmooser

跆拳道是一种韩国武术,翻译为“踢打的方式”,需要适当的态度和注意力. 个人练习跆拳道,学习心灵和身体控制通过非武装的自卫技术, discipline and concentration. Classes are taught by Instructor Master Mark Bergmooser, a certified 5th-degree black belt and Instructor Frank Stasa. They are open to those age 10 and older. The cost is $60 per section. Private lessons are available for $30 each. Classes meet on Tuesday and Thursday, April 9 - 30, from 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. To register, go to

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MCCC to Host Business and Computer Tech Interactive Preview Night

On Tuesday, March 19, 中冶事业部将举办商务与计算机技术互动预览之夜. 

探索我们的业务途径,可以导致职业领域,如会计, management, operations and supply chain, as well as our Computer Technology Pathway, which can prepare you to administer computer networks, develop applications, design video games and so much more. 

Register for the Event

Business Pathway – Areas of Study Business and Computer Tech Open House Graphic
• Accounting
• Agriculture (Agribusiness or Operations)
• Business Management
• Entrepreneurship

Computer Technology Pathway
• Computer Information Systems
- Accounting/CIS
- App Development
- Computer Science
- Cybersecurity
- Office Software Specialist
- Office Specialist
- Office Professional
- PC Support Technician
- System Administration Specialist
• Graphic Design

3 New Degree Programs Coming Soon!
• Data Analytics
• Digital Media Marketing and Communication
• Paralegal

red lineMCCC's Christ-centered Community to Host Presentation on 'Historical Case for the Resurrection of Jesus'

MCCC's Christ-centered Community, a student organization at the college, 将于3月21日下午6:30-8:30举办题为“耶稣复活的历史案例”的讲座.m. in the La-Z-Boy Center Atrium.

It is free and open to the public.

The presentation will be made by Dr. John Piippo, 他拥有西北大学哲学神学博士学位并在MCCC教了18年哲学. 他是六本书的作者,在门罗的救赎主团契教会担任牧师.

这次演讲将探讨以下问题的答案:复活节是庆祝一个人死而复生的神话或传说吗? Or is it a bold historical claim that welcomes intellectual scrutiny?

The MCCC Christ-centered Community states that "skeptics, non-believers, pagans, and people of all faiths will be loved, honored and welcome" to hear the case and ask hard questions.

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Date to Apply for Scholarship Opportunities Extended to March 15

Monroe County Community College recently announced $400,000 of scholarship funding available for the 2023-24 academic year.

“The online scholarship application is available now at 我们鼓励返校学生和准学生立即申请即将到来的学年的200多个奖学金,” said Dr. Joshua W. Myers, executive director of The Foundation at MCCC.  

The deadline to apply has been extended from March 1, 2024 until March 15, 2024 to complete the scholarship application; however, it is recommended that students apply as soon as possible. 并不是所有的奖学金都是基于需求的,也不是所有的奖学金都需要高平均绩点或全日制. 许多是针对特定项目的,在所有传统和技术职业培训项目中都可以使用. 

“所有学生申请奖学金需要的是他们的MCCC学生电子邮件地址和七位数的学生识别号码, 在完成免费的MCCC入学申请后,他们将被分配到哪个职位, which can be completed online at by selecting the “Apply” tab on the homepage,” said Myers.  

该学院的所有私人捐赠奖学金都采用简单的在线申请流程 Students can complete an application in as little as 20 minutes, but students are encouraged to take their time to ensure a complete, compelling and accurate submission.

“We strongly encourage students to also complete the FAFSA at 尽快申请,并向中建申请奖学金。. 招生管理和学生成功副总裁斯科特·贝伦斯说. “我们的经济援助人员尽可能与学生一起确定经济援助的来源( that will help them with the cost of a college education. Scholarships are a great resource, of course. 让学生明白还有其他的机会是很重要的,too, such as federal and state grants, scholarships from the college and other organizations, work study and lastly loans, but students have to apply.” Students can call (734) 384-4135 for more information.


“向基金会捐款的捐赠者使我们有可能在60多个研究领域资助如此广泛的奖学金, 包括在mcc完成学业后计划转到四年制大学的学生,” said Myers. 

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“MCCC事件”通讯是应学生的要求而创建的,以尽量减少发送给学生的电子邮件数量. 时事通讯的目的是为学生提供一个简单的地方,了解他们需要的重要信息和校园活动. 确保文章尽可能用第三人称写,并进行编辑. Send articles to 在冬季学期版本的适当截止日期前完成. “即将发生的事件”部分包含在每个“MCCC事件”通讯的开头. 本节链接到MCCC网站在线日历中即将出现的活动. Event notices may be submitted at any time to for inclusion on the website. Events must have a date, time, location and a description.


The Office of Marketing and Communications edits and designs MCCC Happenings. 如有任何问题,请与营销与传讯总监Joe Verkennes联系

Remaining Winter Semester Publication Dates: 

April 1, 2024 (Submission deadline: March 18, 2024)