
La-Z-Boy Center, Meyer Theater
Admission: $12.00

mcc的头脑外行舞蹈团和导演Kellie Lajiness带来了他们的春季演出, “One for the Books.”

Tickets: $12 General Admission

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嘉宾包括民谣吉他手Kevin R. 丹尼尔斯和Destination Tap Collective.

Act I

Writer’s Guild 
Music:    Paperback Writer     
By: The Beatles        
Dancers:  Elisabeth Brockman, Brandon Burns, Maysie Burns, Grace Drewior, Autumn Hensley, James Marshall, Jillian Marshall, Jake Moskal, Nicole Nangle, Ashley Redfern

Turn the Page
Music By: Bob Seger        
Vocals and Guitar: Kevin R. Daniels

Bedtime Stories and Lullabies 
Music:    Light in the Hallway    
By: Pentatonix    

Read by: Kellie Lajiness
Dancer:     Elisabeth Brockman

Study Break
Music:    Wonderful World    
By: Lou Adler/Herb Alpert/Sam Cooke    
Artist: Sam Cooke

Starry, Starry Night
Music: Vincent        
By: Don McLean        
Vocals and Guitar: Kevin R. Daniels    

Gatsby, The Great American Novel
Music: Crazy in Love    
By: Beyonce/Harrison/Jay-Z/Record   
Artist: Emili Sande & Bryan Ferry Orchestra
Tap Collective: Krista Green, Autumn Hensley, Sydney Nimeth, Kelli Plumb

Immersed in the Story
Music:    Call Your Mom    
By: Noah Kahan    
Dancer: Maysie Burns

On the Same Page
Music: The Book of Love     
By: Stephin Merritt    
Artist: Peter Gabriel
舞者:Jake Moskal和Ashley Redfern

And I Love You So
Music By: Don McLean        
Vocals and Guitar: Kevin R. Daniels    

Original Poem Written by: Anna Muth    
Read by: Kellie Lajiness
Dancer:     Grace Drewior

Dedication Page
Music:    The Story    
By: Phil Hanseroth    
Artist: Sara Ramirez
Dancer:    Autumn Hensley

Where You Are
Music By: Kevin R. Daniels
Vocals and Guitar: Kevin R. Daniels

Western Yarns
Music:    Dos A Dos (Square Dance)    
Dancers:  Elisabeth Brockman, Brandon Burns, Maysie Burns, Grace Drewior, Autumn Hensley, James Marshall, Jillian Marshall, Jake Moskal, Nicole Nangle, Ashley Redfern

Act II

Music: Old Friends    
By: Paul Simon    Artists: 
Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel 
Dancers:  Elisabeth Brockman, Brandon Burns, Maysie Burns, Grace Drewior, Autumn Hensley, James Marshall, Jillian Marshall, Jake Moskal, Nicole Nangle, Ashley Redfern

Music By: David Gates    
Artist:    Bread
Vocals and Guitar: Kevin R. Daniels

Music:    Changing My Narrative        
By: Nicholas Macri    

Read by: Kellie Lajiness
Dancer:    Nicole Nangle

House of Pooh Corner
Vocals and Guitar: Kevin R. Daniels

W-o-r-d Up
音乐:Larry Blackmon和Tomi Jenkins    
Artist: Cameo
Tap Collective: Krista Green, Autumn Hensley, Sydney Nimeth, Kelli Plumb

Music: A Golden Childhood     
By: Patrick Doyle

The Rainbow Connection 
Vocals and Guitar: Kevin R. Daniels

A Noteworthy Gift
作者:Nigel Westlake, Mike Batt, Richard Maltby, Katie Melua

Scriptural Imagery
Music: To All the Poets                    
By: Andrew Peterson
Dancer: Ashley Redfern

Last Song
Music By: Larry Evoy    
Vocals and Guitar: Kevin R. Daniels

“The End” 
Music: Unwritten      
作者:Natasha Bedingfield/ danielle Brisbois/Wayne Rodrigues 
Artist: Pomplamoose, Melinda
IODE Dancers: Elisabeth Brockman, Brandon Burns, Maysie Burns, Grace Drewior, Autumn Hensley, James Marshall, Jillian Marshall, Jake Moskal, Nicole Nangle, Ashley Redfern
Destination Tap Collective: Krista Green, Sydney Nimeth, Kelli Plumb

About Inside Out Dance Ensemble

IODE是一家成立于2010年的当代舞蹈公司,由Kellie Lajiness指导.  住在十大外围app, 它是年度活动季的一部分,为校园内外的组织活动提供娱乐.  IODE特别为他们与MCCC的写作研究员的合作努力感到自豪, 门罗县ISD的创意表达小组, local vocalists and musicians.  乐团的音乐会名单包括探戈茶, Keepin’ It Live, Bringtime Springtime, Flashback 50, Away We Go, America’s Favorite Pastimes, Stage and Screen, A Seasonal Breeze, Occupied by Dreams, Access and Soundtracks.  重点介绍包括MCCC的狂欢节前秀, past MC5 productions, MCCC’s 25th Anniversary Auto Show, MCCC’s 50th Anniversary Event, and Color Run. IODE还为门罗县社区基金会筹款活动进行了演出. 每年12月,他们都会登上目的地舞蹈节日展示的头条. In addition, IODE在《十大靠谱网投平台》中出现, 展示了三支历史舞蹈,以纪念1812年战争.  有关试镜、合作或演出的更多信息,请联系klajiness@crypto-fame.net.

Kevin R. 丹尼尔斯是一位在蓝草、福音和古典乡村音乐中“成长和扎根”的歌手/词曲作者. 凯文,一个多种媒介的艺术家,是一个真正意义上的讲故事的人.  他从真实的生活经验中寻求灵感和表达. 对凯文来说,“生活是一首永远写不完的歌”.  凯文在许多地方和地区的场地表演,包括灰色苍鹭, 门罗县集市和法明顿农贸市场.  这是Kevin与MCCC Inside Out舞蹈团的第七次合作.  

Kellie Lajiness的证书包括WMU舞蹈学士学位和OSU舞蹈硕士学位, 在两个舞蹈系指导,并为各自的戏剧系编舞.  作为十大外围app的兼职教员, 凯莉创立了MCCC的Inside Out舞蹈团(IODE), Ballroom Dance Club and Drama Club.  A prominent figure in Monroe’s dance, 音乐剧和教育界, Kellie instructs modern, jazz, tap, ballet, 通过她的MCCC目的地舞蹈学校向所有年龄段的人传授戏剧舞蹈和交际舞, 也是Inside Out Junior Company和Destination Tap Collective的所在地. 一位获奖且广受好评的导师, choreographer and performer, 凯莉已经在地区巡回演出,并成功参加了美国节奏舞厅的比赛.  1997年至2010年,她创立并指导了RRCA舞蹈学院, 曾在门罗县ISD担任驻校艺术家, 并在邻近的几个州编舞了几部音乐剧, 当地的戏剧组织和学校.  她最近获得了由社区剧院协会颁发的全州“优秀编舞奖”,以表彰她在门罗社区演员制作的《十大外围app》中所做的工作.  在过去的两年里,凯莉一直是奥克兰大学舞蹈系的客座讲师.  她仍然是密歇根州舞蹈委员会的活跃董事会成员,并担任密歇根州青年艺术节舞蹈部门协调员数年.  她被选为2012年MDC年度最佳舞蹈教育家, 荣获“金石奖”,以表扬艺术教育的卓越表现.  许多过去的学生正在攻读舞蹈和音乐剧学位和职业.

IODE image