




The 十大外围app Alumni Association is an internal organization governed under the 政策 and 程序 of 十大外围app.


本协会的业务通常并主要在门罗县进行, 密歇根, 其办公室应设在十大外围app校园内, 瑞森维尔南路1555号, 梦露, 密歇根.


校友会的组织是为了与校董会合作, 十大外围app的基金会, 工作人员, 学生, and the 社区 in providing support to the mission and educational objectives of 十大外围app.



  • 促进十大外围app、其校友及社区的兴趣.
  • 为校友组织社交活动, 学生, 教职员工, 社区成员, with the purpose of renewing acquaintances and establishing new friendships among the alumni and MCCC 社区.
  • 援助 in the financial endeavors of 十大外围app and 十大外围app的基金会.
  • 就具有教育意义的问题向学院提出建议, 和/或校友感兴趣的社会或文化活动.
  • 让校友了解学院的成长和学术发展.
  • 帮助学院甄别在专业领域有杰出贡献的校友, 社区, 科学, 艺术, 或者其他人类努力的领域.
  • Foster the promotion of membership and participation in the 十大外围app Alumni Association and its events.
  • 为十大外围app学生提供奖学金的获取和分配.


会员包括现时缴交会费的校友会会员.  那些 
eligible for membership are past and present 学生 or 中冶集团全职员工 and Board of Trustee members who have met the membership requirements as outlined in 第六条, 第一节, A –  C.


A.  年度会员                
年度会员包括毕业生或已获得24个学分或以上的个人, 持有终身学习证书,其证书要求36学时或以上, 中冶集团全职员工, 退休教师, 和ccc董事会成员. Annual members who have paid the required dues shall receive full membership benefits as set by the Alumni Association Board of Directors.

B.  终身会员
Lifetime membership includes those individuals who qualify for an annual membership and joined the Alumni Association under this heading during the initial membership campaign or during other lifetime membership campaigns declared by resolution of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.  Lifetime membership may be bestowed upon individuals at the discretion of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.

C. 终身好友会员资格
Lifetime friend membership includes those individuals who have earned between 0-23 credit hours and do not qualify for an annual membership or lifetime membership. Lifetime friend members who have paid the required dues shall receive full membership benefits as set by the Alumni Association Board of Directors; however Lifetime friend members are not eligible to sit on the Alumni Association Board of Directors. A lifetime friend membership can be transferred to a lifetime membership once the individual completes the lifetime membership requirements.




The business and activities of the Alumni Association shall be directed by the Alumni Association Board of Directors which consists of fourteen (14) members.  十大外围app院长, 基金会的执行董事, ccc工作人员和/或执行主任指定的指定人员, 及学生会主席或其指定人士为当然委员.


All current annual and/or lifetime members of the Alumni Association are eligible for appointment to the 十大外围app Alumni Association Board of Directors. Board members must remain in good standing throughout the entire term to remain a member of the Board of Directors. Annual Board Members whose dues have lapsed shall be immediately notified and given a five (5) day grace period to return to good standing or be automatically removed from the board. 一旦被取消资格,退出的成员只能通过重新任命重返董事会.


校友会理事会成员应由现任会员推荐任命, 十大外围app院长, 以及基金会的执行董事.

经校友会董事会批准, 新成员应被任命为两年交错任期.  

董事会成员最多可连任三届,任期两年.  如果董事会成员不能完成其任期, 董事会主席可通过任命填补剩余任期, 须经董事会批准.  任期届满的委员可选择连任三届,任期两年. Board members that term-out may be considered for a new appointment no sooner than six (6) months from the expiration of their fulfilled term. 


在一月校友会董事局会议上, 管理人员应由董事会内部多数票选举产生.

如果有官员空缺, 该职位应在下次定期会议上由董事会内部多数票填补.

下列官员任期为一年:主席和副主席.  中冶员工担任秘书/司库.

A.    椅子

校友会主席主持校友会理事会的所有会议, 召开特别会议, 任命必要的委员会, 并与MCCC工作人员一起准备议程.

B.    副主席 
主席缺席时,副主席应履行主席职责.  副主席将担任校友会特别活动委员会主席.


中冶员工担任秘书/司库.  秘书/司库应保存会员记录, 出席, and minutes of all regular and special meetings; handle all correspondence; and keep financial records and report the financial status of the Alumni Association at each meeting.


校友会理事会每两个月(1月)召开一次会议, 3月, 五月, 7月, 9月, 和11月).  校友会董事会可视需要召开其他会议, 或由主席召集.

        A.    请注意 

The schedule of regular meetings shall be determined at the November meeting of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.  应在会议召开前至少十(10)天通知所有董事会成员.

        B.    法定人数

Forty percent (40%) of the Alumni Association Directors then in office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board.          

C.    出席

Regular 出席 at 十大外围app Alumni Association Board of Directors meetings and events is expected of all board members.  Members who are unable to attend Board meetings should contact the Alumni Association Office prior to the scheduled meeting to be considered excused.  Any Board member who is unexcused from two (2) consecutive regularly scheduled meetings of the Board may be asked to resign his/her position on the Board of Directors.  每位董事会成员每日历年必须参加至少两(2)次校友会活动. An individual's membership on the Alumni Association Board of Directors will be reviewed by a subcommittee of the Board following three (3) consecutive excused and/or unexcused absences from regularly scheduled meetings of the Board and/or to lack of participation in Alumni events..

D. 电子投票

由主席酌情决定,并由年度捐赠及校友事务协调人执行, 董事会可在会议间隙通过电子邮件或其他适当的电子方式进行表决, 解决时间敏感的问题. 应遵守关于法定人数的常设规则.


All revenues and expenditures of the Alumni Association will be accounted for under 十大外围app accounts and will be monitored and audited under College records.



A.    会员资格委员会

The 会员资格委员会 shall be responsible for making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the design and execution of all aspects of membership.

B.    学术委员会

奖学金委员会负责组织工作, 实现, 及定期检讨校友会奖学金, 须经董事会批准.

C.    特别活动委员会

副主席将担任特别活动委员会主席.  The 特别活动委员会 shall be responsible for the planning and 实现 of all Alumni Association events, 须经董事会批准.


校友会董事会可以, 不时地, 成立其他委员会,行使董事会所订明的权力和职责.


Any amendment to these bylaws shall be approved by two-thirds of the board members present at a regular meeting of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.  应在会议召开前至少十(10)天书面通知拟议的修正案.


本校友会解散时, 所有的记录, 财产, 财产将归还给十大外围app.

修订日期:3月20日, 2000(第4条), 第五条, 第六条, 第六条:第1A款, 1B, 1C, 1D, 第二节, 第七条, 第七条:第一节, 第二节, 第三节, 第三节一, 第三节b, 第四节, 节4 b, 4 c节, 第九条.)
修订日期:9月19日, 2011(第六条:第一节, 第七条:第二节, 第三节, 第三节一, 第四节, 4节, 及第5节)
修订日期:9月19日, 2016(第七条:管理人员和董事会, 第二节, 第三节, 第三节一, 第三节b, 第四节, 第五节c)